Let Him Go (2020) Cast and Characters

Let Him Go is a film set in the early 1960s and tells the story of George and Margaret Blackledge. They live in Montana with their only son, James, along with his wife, Lorna, and their infant son, Jimmy. When James dies suddenly in a horseback-riding accident, George and Margaret are devastated.

When their daughter-in-law Lorna marries a man named Donnie Weboy a few years later and leaves Montana, they become even more scared. Before leaving, Donnie showed his true colors and his tendency to be abusive toward both his new wife and his stepson.

This makes George and Margaret realize they need to get little Jimmy away from him. They head out to find their grandson, finding the family in North Dakota. But despite the abuse, Lorna is hesitant to leave Donnie and go back to Montana with her former in-laws. Now, it’s up to the Blackledges to convince her otherwise.

The film Let Him Go has a veteran cast and is a true thriller that offers something for everyone. The audience will cheer for the Blackledges and want them to be successful in getting their daughter-in-law and grandson back to Montana.

Cast and Characters

Kevin Costner (George Blackledge)

Kevin Costner as George Blackledge in Let Him Go (2020)
Kevin Costner as George Blackledge in Let Him Go (2020)

George Blackledge is a retired sheriff living peacefully in Montana with his wife Margaret, their son James and his family, wife Lorna and son Jimmy. George is content with his life until a tragic accident claims the life of his only child, his son James.

When his daughter-in-law moves away with his grandson and her new husband, he reluctantly joins his wife to get the young boy back. The thing is, he has no idea what’s in store for him next. At the end, he decides to give up and let things be, but fate has other plans.

Diane Lane (Margaret Blackledge)

Diane Lane as Margaret Blackledge in Let Him Go (2020)
Diane Lane as Margaret Blackledge in Let Him Go (2020)

Margaret Blackledge witnesses her former daughter-in-law’s new husband, Donnie Weboy, strike both his new wife and his stepson. When the new family leaves the area and heads out to North Dakota, Margaret makes the decision to go after them to bring Lorna and Jimmy back to Montana.

What she doesn’t realize is that Donnie’s family is as ruthless as he is. What they don’t realize is that Margaret will stop at nothing to get her grandson out of danger and back to Montana where he belongs. The strong-willed Margaret is about to meet the equally strong-willed Blanche Weboy.

Kayli Carter (Lorna Blackledge)

Kayli Carter as Lorna Blackledge in Let Him Go (2020)
Kayli Carter as Lorna Blackledge in Let Him Go (2020)

Lorna Blackledge is devastated when her husband is killed in a horseback-riding accident. Several years later, she marries a man named Donnie Weboy, but it is a marriage of convenience and not based on love. Soon, she finds out what type of man Donnie truly is.

After being brought to North Dakota, she is unhappy with Donnie’s family and the prison she feels she’s in. When the Blackledges find her and ask her and Jimmy to come home, her only hesitation is what Donnie might do to stop them. She wants to return to Montana, but she is afraid.

Ryan Bruce (James Blackledge)

James Blackledge is George and Margaret’s son and their only child. He is married to his wife Lorna and has a young son named Jimmy. At the beginning of the movie, he is riding his horse when he falls and breaks his neck. He is killed instantly, and it is his father George who finds his body later on in the woods.

Even though his appearance in the movie is short-lived, it appears that James Blackledge is a good son, husband, and father to his parents, wife, and infant son. He is a pleasant character who is also very likable.

Lesley Manville (Blanche Weboy)

Blanche Weboy is Donnie Weboy’s mother. She is a fierce, protective mother with two other sons, Elton and Marvin. When she finds out that the Blackledges are in town trying to find her son and daughter-in-law, she asks to meet them.

Soon, however, her true colors are shown and she has some tense moments with George and Margaret when they finally do meet. She decides not to help them in their quest to bring Lorna and Jimmy home to Montana. In fact, she does everything possible to stop this from happening.

Will Brittain (Donnie Weboy)

Donnie Weboy is one of three boys and is married to Lorna, the former daughter-in-law of George and Margaret Blackledge. He is selfish and abusive, and when he finds out that George and Margaret Blackledge want to remove Lorna and Jimmy from his life, he vows not to let them.

Donnie is willing to fight to the death to keep Lorna and Jimmy in his life, and soon he will have the chance to prove it. He and his two brothers fight hard to prevent George and Margaret from stealing Lorna and Jimmy away. His entire family is strong-willed and almost Mafia-like, and it seems he secretly likes people being afraid of him.

Connor Mackay (Elton Weboy)

Elton Weboy is one of Donnie’s two brothers and works with him against the Blackledges. When the Blackledges are in their hotel room, Elton and his brother Marvin, along with his mother Blanche and their Uncle Bill Weboy, break into the room and a fight ensues.

Elton seems to be as ruthless and cold-hearted as the rest of his family and shows little remorse for his actions. He is basically willing to do anything his mother and brothers need for him to do.

Adam Stafford (Marvin Weboy)

Marvin Weboy is one of three sons of Blanche Weboy. The family always sticks together, and when a group of them breaks into George and Margaret’s hotel room, a fight ensues and George ends up at the hospital. But Marvin and his brother Elton are determined to fight off George and Margaret and force them to go home.

There is eventually a bloody confrontation and the home where the Weboy family is staying is burned to the ground.

Jeffrey Donovan (Bill Weboy)

Jeffrey Donovan as Bill Weboy in Let Him Go (2020)
Jeffrey Donovan as Bill Weboy in Let Him Go (2020)

Bill Weboy is Donnie Weboy’s uncle. It is Bill who first meets George and Margaret Blackledge when they arrive in North Dakota, and it is Bill who tells Blanche Weboy all about them and their attempts to take both Lorna and Jimmy away from the Weboy family.

Bill is also one of the people who break into George and Margaret’s hotel room, along with Blanche Weboy and his three nephews, Donnie, Elton, and Marvin. Though he seemed helpful when George and Margaret first came to town, his behavior changed as soon as he realized why they were there.

Booboo Stewart (Peter Dragswolf)

Booboo Stewart as Peter Dragswolf in Let Him Go (2020)
Booboo Stewart as Peter Dragswolf in Let Him Go (2020)

Peter Dragswolf is a Native American who meets George and Margaret Blackledge when they first arrive in North Dakota. After he finds out who they’re looking for, he recommends that the couple speak to Bill Weboy, Donnie’s uncle. He also gives them a meal and a warm place to stay for a while when they first arrive.

Peter tells the Blackledges a story about a boy who was kidnapped by Native Americans and when their grandparents got him back, they couldn’t understand one another. This makes George and Margaret even more anxious to get Jimmy back.

Later, the Blackledges meet up with Peter again and he decides to help them in their attempts to get their daughter-in-law and their grandson back.